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5 Significant Benefits Of Competing in BJJ

5 Significant Benefits Of Competing in BJJ

BJJ is gaining immense popularity among the public these days. It is no longer confined to a specific area or age group. People of every age are taking an interest in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It would be correct if we say it is among the best martial arts. 

But here the question arises, what are the benefits of competing in BJJ? Despite the hardships and the challenges, people love to compete and train jiu jitsu. If you are also thinking the same question, go ahead and read this blog. For those who don’t know what a BJJ tournament is and how it started, we will briefly introduce it before discussing its perks. 

It’s important to remember that each person may have their own unique strategy when it comes to participating in BJJ tournaments. However it’s crucial to maintain a practical and feasible approach.

BJJ Tournaments

There are several competition types in Brazilian jiu jitsu, each with its regulations (Gi Nogi style, IBJJF, Naga sub-only, etc.). In the majority of BJJ gyms, there is no obligation to enroll. Therefore participation is entirely up to the person. Newcomers and old athlete players may find it difficult in the mid of their BJJ training. Competing, though, can also be exhilarating and very addicting (as well as expensive!).

Moreover, not everyone enjoys competing, and many individuals have no interest in taking part in any contests. Some people compete to gain confidence or learn self-defense techniques. Although it’s completely natural, some individuals may be unaware that competition is one of the quickest methods to increase performance.

Why Are BJJ Competitions Held?

If you ask someone why they started practicing BJJ, you’ll hear a variety of answers, including wanting to be in shape, learning self-defense, or being a part of a community.

Warming up, rolling, and training are enjoyable learning methods, but eventually, you’ll need to put what you’ve learned to the test. It’s not simply a test of what you’ve learned; it’s also a way to help you develop new abilities and identify problem areas.

Sometimes individuals assert that the most important thing you will learn from competing is how to lose. One such saying goes, “You either win or you learn.” However, These two aphorisms fail to consider the most crucial aspect of competition: information acquisition. After a competition, you can evaluate your performance critically. When you return to training after a competition, that’s when it becomes exciting.

Competitors will point out places where you can do better. You should strengthen your standing and ground defenses if you often find yourself the target of takedowns. You must learn to sneak past your opponent’s defenses if you can’t get past their spider guard! Even if your attempt is a success, you will probably be able to identify additional areas that need focus for the next attempt.

Benefits Of Competing In BJJ

Your BJJ increases experience through competition. You can get training at nearby academies or compete with other athletes. A certain degree of comfort emerges as you establish a relationship with time. It is also a means to meet new people who may or might not have the same opinions as you do about coaching, tactics, or training methodologies.

Additionally, participating in BJJ tournaments may introduce you to BJJ practitioners you would not have otherwise met, giving you a chance to make new friends. In the end, competitions help you make new acquaintances and broaden your perspective on the world.

Satisfied Feeling Of Accomplishment 

A competition’s preparation process is complicated for some jiu jitsu players. It can cause psychological and physical exhaustion. It’s challenging to fall asleep without considering probable consequences, future plans, and the maximum stress your body can handle. BJJ enhances the health of the athlete.

The satisfaction of winning a game in a tournament is perhaps the greatest. Being a winner is an incredible sensation that may cherish you all day.

Better Personal Development

It’s possible that everyone cannot learn everything to compete in BJJ. There is always space for improvement. Reminding yourself that everyone else is experiencing the same stress while you are competing in a contest. It is a great technique to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed.

It’s great that at least you are ready to compete. Knowing that you have done the finest possible training is gratifying. Even if you believe you’re prepared to compete, you’re still in danger. Expectations can potentially overwhelm you, which may lead to stress, tension, and self-awareness.

If you let doubt creep in, these things might lead to an unsuccessful performance. However, considering you gave it your best effort while having fun and doing all you could, it doesn’t seem like a huge problem.

Gives Short-Term Goals To Concentrate 

It is the ultimate goal of every player to win jiu jitsu gi. You need the motivation to put in the effort and time necessary to achieve. In light of this, you should focus on improving BJJ training as soon as feasible before a competition.

Even if it’s just a small amount, every additional preparation time you devote to a competition will hasten your path to mastering your skill. With time, your experience will add up, making you better than you may have been if you hadn’t competed.

Excellent Way To Build Relationships

You develop connections with people in the BJJ community when you engage with them at competitions. It is one of the most essential benefits of competing in BJJ. You’ll see each other face off against opponents, watch each other warm up, and experience the agony of defeat and the joy of success.

These relationships go beyond the mat and may increase your desire to return to class so you may communicate with your new acquaintances. Even if you don’t feel like it, ensure you arrive on time since you don’t want to disappoint them. Your friends remain present there to encourage you; being there for them will improve your performance. Personal greatness, supported by your teammates, leads to success in BJJ. Success in BJJ gi on your own is possible. However, it is your team member who helps you accomplish your dream. 

Hone BJJ Skills

Competition is an excellent approach to identifying areas where your technique needs improvement. Perhaps you have a unique motion or sweep which is quite effective in your training. Eventually, in a match, you’ll run against someone who can block the move with ease. Although it is a difficult experience, you must analyze your approach and find methods to strengthen it.

Strengthening one’s methods and skill set in advance of a competition is one of the main reasons athletes participate. In order to complete this process, one must pay particular attention to the more technical facets of gi BJJ. Also, you should spend more time on the mat and concentrate on strengthening weak areas during Bjj training sessions. It can hone your skills and let the players change the jiu jitsu gi or BJJ no gi game.

Aids in Strengthening Your Weaknesses

No matter how much experience you have, there is always room for wishing that you have handled things differently. Since you will be competing against individuals who approach things differently than you do at the gym, this is more likely to occur.

Jiu Jitsu competitions assist you in focusing on areas where you can develop. Additionally, it motivates you to perform better the next time you compete.

Conclusive Words

BJJ and other competitive sports give you valuable lessons that might help you develop into a better version of yourself. Everyone’s reasons for getting into this sport are different. However, BJJ may serve as a way to create a healthy relationship with people having similar passions and objectives.

Everyone, from beginners to trained, is welcome to participate in competitive sports. It is always good to get the suggestion from your jiu jitsu trainer when you should start participating in BJJ tournaments. They can give you an exact idea about how and when the BJJ tournaments start. The crucial factor is that you can regularly access your skills and see where you need improvement. Although winning medals to improve your BJJ belt ranking is vital, BJJ is really about honing your skills and personal development.

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