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How Many Calories Does Japanese Jiu Jitsu Burn?

How Many Calories Does Japanese Jiu jitsu Burn

If you are looking for the calories burned and weight loss in Japanese Jiu Jitsu, Stop searching! 

We have gathered the complete information for you. So, you can get a better idea of how the BJJ gi can help you lose weight and burn fats. Several martial arts are famous among athletes of every age, including kids. It includes American Jiu Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Judo. All of these martial arts shared some mutual features. So, whatever you choose, they burn your calories while you roll out with your partner or practice it on your own.

Now let’s start by looking at methods for determining the calories burned when practicing jiu-jitsu. We will also discuss several ways to increase your ability to burn calories while doing jiu jitsu gi. In order to ensure that you understand the science underlying efficient weight control, we’ll also help you in optimizing your calories to get the maximum results.

Calories Burned During Japanese Jiu Jitsu 

Understanding how many calories are burnt during BJJ training sessions is crucial if you practice gi bjj. This will help you keep track of your progress.

Calories Burned On Average In Jiu Jitsu Class

Now here’s our actual point of discussion. However, keep in mind; we cannot provide the exact data. It is the estimated value of burned calories during gi bjj. You need to consider the body composition, the level of intensity, and the duration of the training session. According to the available research, you should anticipate burning 500–1000 calories on average for each jiu jitsu gi training hour.

The calorie range can also vary by ability level. For instance, if a black belt and a white belt are live sparring, the black belt burns more calories than the white belt. As the black belt players show more active and aggressive submissions while competing. When you train in BJJ, your intensity decides how many calories you will burn.

Moderate Intensity: You may burn between 500 and 700 calories per hour during a typical BJJ lesson with warm-ups, drills, and light sparring.

High Intensity: Calorie burn can increase to 800-1000+ calories per hour in more intense courses involving heavy sparring and competition-style rolling.

How To Calculate Your Calorie Burn Rate

Consider using an online calculator or fitness tracker that accounts for characteristics like age, weight, HR level, etc. It helps you get a more precise result matched to your body type and the intensity of your bjj session.

Here Is A Few Of Our Favorite Ways To Calculate The Fat Burn:

  1. Fitbit devices monitor your heart rate when you exercise. These are the best devices to get more accurate estimations of how many calories you burn by considering how hard you work throughout each session.
  2. My Fitness Pal is a well-known program that lets you enter your jiu jitsu gi training sessions. Then it estimates how many calories you’ll burn based on how long and intense BJJ sessions you had in that time.

Calculating the accurate number of calories burned during training is crucial if your main goal for practicing bjj is to become in shape and lose weight. After all, you can’t track something if you can’t count it. You can get tailored calorie counts for your particular body type and activity level using the calculators above or wearable fitness monitors. So, keep an eye on those calories you burn the next time you work out.

Jiu jitsu practitioners can better understand how much energy they use and adjust their diet by tracking and accounting for calories burned throughout training. Let’s look at ways to maximize calorie burn when practicing BJJ.

Will Training In The Gi Make Me Burn More Calories?

This is the most frequently asked question. Players want to know whether training the challenging BJJ Gi burns more fat or not. 

Putting on your jiu jitsu gi and hitting the mats is the best way to burn calories, even though training in a no gi has several advantages. Your body needs to work harder, which causes it to burn more calories overall. The additional weight of the gi adds up rapidly and makes even easy drills and light rolling much more difficult than they would otherwise be.

Aside from actually donning the gi, the Japanese Jiu Jitsu game has evolved due to training in it, giving you more power over your opponent. Additionally, because there are so many more techniques available when wearing a gi (collar chokes, sleeve grips, etc.), you’ll frequently find yourself experimenting with new moves. It uses muscles you might not normally use when training without the gi, which again leads to increased calorie expenditure. We have listed several ways to burn more fat in Jiu Jitsu training.

Jiu Jitsu Calorie Burn Optimization

Try incorporating these useful techniques into your jiu jitsu training to increase the calories expended to maximize your calorie burn. You can perform exercises more vigorously and frequently to develop physical fitness and strengthen Japanese jiu jitsu skills.

More Drilling for Efficiency

Brazilian jiu jitsu requires a strong emphasis on technique since it allows for more effective movement patterns when rolling or sparring. The more efficient your technique, the less energy is lost while performing moves. This results in burning fewer calories per move while maximizing effectiveness during intense live practice sessions. Here are the top drilling moves to get maximum efficiency.

  • Takedown practice
  • Passing drills for guards
  • Sweep exercises
  • Drills for submission chains

The potential for calorie burning and general fitness improvement increases with time spent drilling and performing Japanese jiu jitsu techniques.

High-Intensity Interval Training (Hiit)

The intensity of the BJJ matters. Compared to the standard bjj curriculum, adding higher-intensity interval training to your jiu jitsu workouts can considerably improve calorie burn. Short bursts of intensive exercise alternate with rest or low-intensity exercise periods in hiit. This strategy maintains your heart rate throughout the workout, which results in more calorie burn during and after exercise because of a higher metabolic rate. Even though every academy organizes its curriculum differently, those who take the competition seriously will have classes that adhere to this general framework.

Add Strength And Conditioning To Your Jiu Jitsu Training

Strength training can enhance your general athleticism, muscular endurance, and agility, which will benefit your jiu jitsu game. Additionally, this supports you to have an enhanced capacity to sustain high-intensity efforts on the mat, increasing calorie expenditure both during and after practice.

Recommended Bjj Gi Exercises

Adding extra exercise helps you to develop stamina and perform well. You can also pick up any exercises given below.

  • Swings with a kettlebell
  • Goblet squats or front squat variations
  • Chin-ups or pull-ups
  • Burpees
  • Different types of pushups (such as plyometric pushups or close-grip pushups)

Jiu jitsu gi practitioners can maximize their calorie burn and improve their training by comprehending the caloric expenditure of the sport. To maximize their training, athletes must understand the impact of metabolic rate on calorie expenditure during jiu-jitsu.

Consider Your Metabolic Rate

In order to burn as many calories as possible during jiu jitsu class, it is important to consider your metabolic rate. We can better grasp how metabolic rate influences our training by investigating the science behind it and how it affects how many calories are burned practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Best Pre-Workout Meals To Meet BJJ gi Energy Demand

These are a few best food for pre-workout meals:

  • Oatmeal with almonds and berries.
  • Grilled chicken breast served over brown rice with slices of avocado.
  • A whole-grain sandwich stuffed with vegetables and lean protein.

All of the above mentioned foods can help the body to generate the maximum energy in the form of carbohydrates. It is then used to fulfil the energy requirement during the BJJ gi.

Read more to know about The Best Recovery Food From BJJ Training.

Intra-Training Electrolytes And Hydration

Being hydrated is crucial for martial arts practitioners to perform at their highest level. Drinking water during your BJJ training helps prevent dehydration and promotes calorie burning by maintaining an effective metabolic rate. Additionally, to replace minerals lost through sweat, think about including electrolyte pills or sports beverages. It supports the immune system from collapsing while you are exhausted after the hard gi bjj training.


The number of calories you burn when practicing Japanese Jiu Jitsu might vary depending on your routine’s intensity, skill level, metabolic rate, and other variables. To achieve your health goals, it is crucial to understand how many calories jiu jitsu burns. You should focus on your diet as well. Both pre-meal and post training meals can affect the metabolic rate and influence your body.

You can correctly measure how much energy you have invested during each session by charting your progress using a calorie counter or monitoring device. You can adjust your routine, which is necessary to maximize the caloric burn from jiu jitsu training. So, stop thinking about whether you are burning the fat or not. Get yourself a proper diet plan and schedule training sessions.

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