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How To Practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Alone?

How To Practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Alone

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the form of grappling art that focuses on the development of the technical skill. You must have a partner for practicing, rolling, and sparring to compete and excel in the BJJ. That’s why most people join BJJ academies to learn the proper techniques and skills. Trainers have completed courses in jiu jitsu for beginners that enable them to become pros in grappling. However still, many people of every age look forward to suggestions and recommendations for how to practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at home. 

You can learn jiu jitsu at home to hone your BJJ skills. For example, you can improve your bridging, hip escapes, and rolling over. If you don’t want any partner, you can get the grappling dummies, an excellent source to master the BJJ moves.

Now let’s explore all the realistic ways to practice jiu jitsu alone.

The Best BJJ Exercises You Can Do At Home

Exercises for jiu jitsu should be done on a regular basis, whether alone or with a companion. You do not need to join the BJJ academy if you feel like you can practice yourself.

Backward Shoulder Roll

Rolling backward can be really uncomfortable at first, so performing this exercise properly on your own is a great way to train alone. Ensuring you are doing it correctly is essential because it could create soreness in certain people’s shoulders. For basic instruction, you can find lectures online.

You will use the backward rolls more frequently once you get better at BJJ to avoid your opponent. Even worse, you might have to roll backward to free yourself from your opponent’s stranglehold. 

Standing Opening 

Standing is the best approach to opening a locked guard. While various forms and lengths are available for the standing position, this opening style is typically employed for BJJ drills. The majority of the time, the fight begins with your opponent on the ground, and you are in a guarded posture. It mainly occurs while standing up, trying to grab their lapel or any other part of their Gi. Thus, it is extremely important to practice the standing guard position.

You start this workout by kneeling. Lift one leg and place it in a lunge stance, simultaneously twisting the other leg at the knee (as far left as possible) to rest your feet on the ground. By bending your leg that is on the ground while keeping your posture straight, you can adopt a stance similar to that of a deadlift.

Rocking Chairs 

The rocking chair exercise, which helps in reversals, sweeps, and even guard-to-guard transitions, is another underappreciated BJJ exercise. They are a great addition to your BJJ practice at home.

The chair lays down on the floor and starts to rock. The goal is to swing your body using your legs while keeping your body in the proper alignment, lifting your body off the ground. While performing this action, the shin of the other leg moves down onto the mats. The final position should have the hips significantly stretched and facing the base.

Technical Stand-Up 

Another famous BJJ move is the standing technique. However, unlike the hip escape, this one can be applied offensively and defensively. If you’re defending yourself, it will help you stand up or clear a path to escape from the hip. The stand-up assists you with various reverses and sweeps when it comes to the offensive.

When you’re at the bottom, the stand up works by assisting you in maintaining a proper distance. You do it by bending both of your legs in half and stretching them both. The objective is to control your opponent’s movements while lying on the ground. You must constantly remind yourself to avoid putting your heels on the mat. You will bump up and down on your hip joint to follow your adversary’s moves while keeping your legs raised. It helps to prepare you to block any attacks. 

The Granby Roll 

The Granby roll (shoulder roll) is a crucial BJJ move used to defend against attacks and escape from precarious positions. A vital Granby roll can make your defense virtually impervious in a game of turtles.

How To Perform The Granby Roll At Home?

  • Hold the roll with its ultimate position hanging upside down to your shoulders constitutes the first step. With your toes on the mat and your hips above your head.
  • To keep your posture flexible, you can hold onto your toes or the back of your knee.
  • Keep no weight on your head or neck. Take two shoulder rolls to the right and left.
  • Make sure that while you roll, you drag your toes from right to left or vice versa across the surface.
  • The objective is to become accustomed to moving smoothly from the shoulder roll position to the sitting posture on both sides. This represents the initial half of the roll.
  • The adhesive section corresponds to the latter half of the roll, which is essentially a mirrored version. While you extend your legs, you can begin to sit down. Your head will be tucked in your knees as you roll onto your right side with your right hand under your leg. After that, you will drag your toes over the mat while lifting your hips and settling your head between your thighs. Now finish the roll by moving into a sitting position on the opposite side.

In addition, a lot of BJJ students think the Granby roll calls for flexibility. However, even people who lack flexibility can incorporate it into their work and become experts in the field. Flexibility is essential for a Granby roll, but so are good mechanics. Remember that it’s crucial to avoid rolling on your neck or your head’s back when practicing this at home.

Best Time To Workout At Home Rather Than At The Gym

If you know what you’re doing and have a lot of options, incorporating the most popular BJJ routines into the scheduled plan is simple. You can specify the number of days or duration for each exercise.

To read more about the BJJ exercise’s suitable duration and number of days, click on this How Many Days Are Recommended For Bjj Training In A Week?

You can perform each exercise before moving on to the next set or perform the activities one after the other. These are a few suggestions on how to set up Brazilian jiu jitsu exercises at home; feel free to add, subtract, or change the practices to suit your needs and the available space.

When you’re not at the gym or can’t go to the gym for any reason, you’ll be on the go. If you are unable to find a BJJ practitioner in your free time, you can start learning jiu jitsu online at your home. These recommended BJJ exercises are the best way to learn Jiu Jitsu without putting yourself under stress if you don’t have a partner. Your jiu jitsu and cardiovascular system will get used to this activity after a few days of executing these workouts, and you’ll start to see results from your at home exercise routines.

Final Statement

If you don’t have a partner, you can still practice some aspects of BJJ by yourself, but that doesn’t mean you won’t improve. You may do numerous things on your own, and you can also watch videos to help you practice. Take into account sports, flow rolling, strengthening exercises, and stretching. Additionally, you can learn BJJ by private jiu jitsu lessons.

So, if you are thinking about starting BJJ without a partner, go ahead and accomplish your goal. Stop thinking questions like can you learn jiu jitsu online? Set your target and achieve it through your dedication and consistency.

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