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How To Tie A Jiu Jitsu Belt?

How To Tie Jiu Jitsu Belt?

A bjj belt is the mandatory component of jiu jitsu athleisure. It secures the BJJ gi and represents the player’s rank. The BJJ belt symbolizes respect in martial arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in particular. You must have noticed that athletes had to knot them many times throughout sparring and grappling matches. No matter how tightly they have tied their bjj best belt. Beginners find it challenging to fasten the belt, while veteran fighters are familiar with several alternative methods.

Now let’s explore the several ways that can help you in tying the belt easily. It is a game of a few seconds if you know how to tie the belt efficiently.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt Tying Instructions

There are numerous ways to fasten a belt. Some people prefer wearing tight belts around their waists, while others prefer loose ones. Fighters who like to perform with the BJJ gi’s lapel like to keep it loose. By tightening the belt, you can allow your opponent to use the worm guard.

Basics – How To Tie A Jiu-Jitsu Belt

The first method of belt tying is the fundamental one that practitioners of jiu-jitsu, judo, or karate use. This approach is best for those who have never participated in a grappling combat sport. To tie a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt, follow the directions listed below.

  1. Take a premium BJJ belt and locate the halfway or midpoint.
  2. Secure the belt around your body, crossing the ends at your back.
  3. Turn and cross the belt BJJ to bring both sides to the front.
  4. Verify that the belt is the same length on both sides. 
  5. Turn the right strand over the left one, then go through each belt layer from bottom to top.
  6. Now, finally, knot the belt.

How To Tie A Belt Correctly?

For their battles, BJJ professionals prefer to tie a tight belt knot. They believe that the belt interferes with their fighting strategy. But practitioners do not want to remove it during the jiu jitsu competition. Judokas in the past preferred to tighten their belts firmly. With the exception of the looping method, this step is the same as the first.

Here the step-by-step guide to tie a belt properly is as follows:

  1. Locate the middle of the belt, gather the two sides together at the rear, intertwine them, and then move them up to the front. 
  2. Once that is done, take all of the layers and move them to the top by passing the left layer beneath the right.
  3. Next, as you move from right to left, cross the belt’s right side under the first layer. Finally, you will get a loop at the bottom now.

The Gracie Barra Method Of Belt Tying

Most fighters avoid this approach since it frequently opens and diverts attention. The major difference between the Gracie Barra technique and other methods is that the belt is tied directly rather than tied in a Double Water Knot under multiple layers of the belt. 

In BJJ, the double water knot is regarded as an unbreakable knot. It does not open during the jiu jitsu fights and lets the athletes perform without distractions.

For this knot, follow the directions below.

  1. At the belt’s end, tie a granny knot.
  2. Next, wrap the belt’s opposing end around your abdomen from behind.
  3. Tie two ends together using a double water knot while keeping them positioned in front.

It securely supports your Gi. You do not need to tie jiu jitsu belt through this method frequently.

Super Lock Way

Follow these easy steps to tie your belt tightly.

  1. To begin, grasp the Gi’s lapels in both hands and fold the right side beneath the left.
  2. Wrap the belt’s two ends around your waist and bring them before you.
  3. After centring it, fold the belt’s stripes section under the loops. For tightness, adjust it.
  4. tuck your belt’s tail end between the two loops.
  5. Now, tuck the BJJ belt’s stripes under the loop you just made.
  6. Inside the belt’s initial loop, where the tightness is adjusted.

Why Is It Indispensable To Tie Jiu Jitsu Belt?

The act of tying a belt conveys respect and skills both ways. It also involves adhering to the jiu-jitsu regulations. After you grab your opponent or they grab you, it’s a good idea to tie your belt mid-roll.

Closing your collars requires tying your belt. The sturdy Gi outfit protects your body from numerous hazardous and intricate circumstances.

Worm guard and galaxy guard attacks cannot harm your body. Your first line of defense is your belt. Indeed the belt can inhibit any serious mishap due to bjj kimonos by securing it fine.

Which Method Should You Use To Tie Jiu Jitsu Belt?

When considering how to secure your belt while practicing Jiu Jitsu, there are a few things to consider. A tight knot is recommended if your opponent has a strong grip on your collar. A tight tied belt does not get loose during the competition. This gives you the advantage of continuing your jiu jitsu gi fight. Competitors in boxing matches have a limited amount of time to secure their equipment during breaks in the match, and if they take too long, they may be penalized. So, whatever method you choose, become adept at that. It will help you to tie the belt within the specified time frame.


Players should wear BJJ belts as a symbol of respect. Learn multiple ways to tie your belt because doing so during a fight could make rolling more difficult.

To get more information about bjj belt system read BJJ Belt System: Comprehensive Guide.

You must pay attention while tying your jiu jitsu belt. Whether you follow the Gracie Barra way or any other professional way, the gi must stay positioned to shield you from many injuries. Adopt the right method to tie the belt to ensure confident bjj activity on the mat.

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